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Advent and Christmas Celebration

The Twelve Days of Christmas

Day 5, December 29


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[5th Day of Christmas:  Nathan Harris]


God Incarnate
God in the flesh
God with us

That is, after all, what this season is all about. He’s not just some all-powerful being out there somewhere, speaking universes into existence, holding worlds in orbit, designing the intricacies of the human body.

He is here!
He is with me!
He is in me!

The obvious question is: "Why?"

What was it that drew Him here, and at such a price?

And that’s where the miracle takes place. It was me! He chose to come to this world, begin as a baby, grow up, and give up His life on the cross, rather than spend eternity without me. He loves me. It’s as simple, yet as profound as that.

Have you ever longed for someone to love you? Have you ever cried yourself to sleep at night, aching with loneliness? It doesn’t have to be that way! Emmanuel is here. He loves you with a love that cost Him everything.

"Everything." That is your worth to God. Is it any wonder that He pursues you so relentlessly? You are so valuable to Him that He gave up His life just so He could be with you forever. His name says it all:


Debi Peck
Tucson, Arizona, USA

Daily Scripture Readings*
[Psalm 18:1-20] [2 Samuel 23:13-17] [2 John 1-13] [Luke 1:57-66]


You love, this I know, not only because the Bible tells me so, but because You are constantly drawing me close and letting me know how precious I am to You. You go everywhere with me, and while sometimes that is sort of a scary thought, when I find that I am in trouble, it is wonderful to know that You are already there. I have no idea why I am that precious to You. But, thank you much for Your total expenditure on my behalf. I sure hope You get Your money's worth.


*These readings are adapted from the Daily Office of the Book of Common Prayer, Year 2.  For Year 1 readings, see Daily Readings, Christmas 1.

Music provided by The Sounds of Christmas.  Background provided by The Bud.
  Graphics for the Twelve Days of Christmas by Detroit News.
The Animations were designed by Nathan Harris. These are used with permission.

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